Thursday 23 January 2014

Go Big or Go Home!

Jan 2014 – C. Bernard Blog

Happy New Year!

This is the year I will run my first marathon at 47 years of age and I am so proud that I can do it for World Vision, in Calgary at The Scotiabank Calgary Marathon on June 1st.
And I was delighted to be asked to sit as the Honorary Chair for this Golden Anniversary event on June 1st, 2014.  It is my hope to motivate more people to not only run, but run for a charity they support.

“Go Big or Go Home” is our motto for this journey to the finish line of the Calgary Scotiabank Marathon, but truly I had no idea what “big” meant!
It means running and running and running. I know, obvious right? But when Alicia and I conjured up this plan – it seemed pretty do-able, in November, in Ottawa, with no snow. But then back home in Calgary the snow began to fall and it hasn’t stopped since then! And I had given little thought to the difficulties of running on ice, snow and in wind and sleet. It’s just not nice!
I did however head to San Diego with my family for 2 weeks at Christmas and that was where I started to get back into running. And I have to say, I was pretty impressed with myself down there. I ran some easy 3 mile runs, then a couple 6-7 mile runs. I had very little stiffness and my cardio, was really quite good!

Then I returned to Calgary. To the snow, the ice and cold. I spent more time the first week back shovelling our driveway than I did training. But then a chinook hit and I grabbed my snazzy new runners, mittens, ear warmers, face masque and the dog (definitely and unwilling participant in this training regime) and headed to the Bow river pathway – to go for my winter run.
I was so hard! It was windy, cold, slippery and the dog thought we were running from something or someone the entire time – he was missing our nice leisurely walks. But he worse part was my breathing! The elevation in Calgary compared San Diego makes a big difference. I must say I was a bit disappointed and a little bit concerned about my jumping in feet first to run this June 1st marathon.

But then I remembered the “why”.  I am doing this to help raise awareness for the vulnerable children who walk 6 -10 km a day just to access clean drinking water. 42 km seems like a minor commitment compared to that. It’s the thought that I will continue to focus on these next 5 months while I train and I think it will make the difference.
So join  Cheryl and her Team World vision and run for something you want to support – it will make all the difference when it gets tough!

Cheryl Bernard
Follow Cheryl @TeamBernard  /

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cheryl! You rock! Are you going to be in the Olympics this year?
